
Monday, February 21, 2011

A Great Game Exposed. (Reymond Davis)

A great game has been exposed that the fake diplomat, American Killer  (Raymond Davis) is the member of the task force working in the region (Pak-Afghan) to establish relations with the Al-Qaeda to fuel them with Biological weapons and nuclear fissile material. 
ISI (Pakistani Intelligence agency) and Russian SVR (Foreign intelligence agency) exposed that America is playing a great game in the region results of which will full fill the agendas of establishing New world order and saving of collapsing economy. 
With the passage of time the facts are coming out why American establishment is forcing to save a private contractor by giving him the immunity of a diplomat. 
But America should keep in the mind other nations are also not sleepy. The regions the Americans have interests has suffered a lot, and still suffering. Arab region is already in the change. Political scenario of the South Asia also could be change at any time. Any such step, will be bad for the Americans itself. But poor American people are still sleeping and not standing against the dangerous policies of the establishment. But they should remember that what they are planting  same will be the fruit.

Here Keep one more thing in the mind  since Raymond is behind the bars there is no DRONE attack in the Pakistan which were as usual as the rain in any fertile region. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seminar Talks (5) (Shamshad Ahmad Khan's Talk)

Shamshad Ahmad Khan in UoG
Mr. Shamshad Ahmad khan the former foreign secretary of Pakistan said “I have concluded that all the problems with the Pakistan are internal. Here is no matter of foreign policy at all, all the problems are internal”. 
He said both India and USA are very important for us. We can’t choose our neighbors. We have two neighbors, India geographically and USA due to its global out reach, is also on our head.
He said Foreign policy is not a bulleted paper but a mask which nations wear to impress other nations. But yes, Foreign policy is sum total of nations ideology, civilization and interests.
He said we should not go at extreme end by criticizing to the Armed forces. He said it does not mean I am in favor of dictatorship or coup but Army has an important role in security and it is her constitutional responsibility. No foreign office can decide or take steps with out the help of Intelligence agencies. If neighbors are threatening to you what can you do? And this armed role is not only in Pakistan, it is also available in America. Especially During the wars Pentagon always over rules the white house. (By sharing an experience He said; when we (Pakistan) were talking on the Nuclear weapons after May 28, 1998 US’s uniformed officials were in the talk but not in our team. He said we can’t ignore the positive role of the Army even he said we should proud on it.
He said Pakistan just after of its birth was like “Alice in the wonderland”. It was not clear where should we go. He said in Pak-US relations the important thing is we were never having mutuality in our relations. Both were having own interests, CENTO and SEATO were also our interests because we were under the threat of India and on the other side USA was to have one more paid soldier in bipolar world. But when the role was finished we became jobless. Engagement and estrangement were always in the relational history of both countries. High water mark was always when here was dictator ship, and USA was under the Republicans. But poor thing is that when ever here in Pakistan we have civilian Government the water mark is low. He said in all governmental tenures the priorities of our Rulers were always personal, either they were Dictators or Elected. He said in the war against terrorism the war was with Taliban in Afghanistan but we bring it in Pakistan by giving more than the demands.
He said world gave the name “Smiling Buddha” for Indian nuclear test in 1974, so Bhutto also started Nuclear Program of Pakistan as he had broad vision. We achieved the existing capacity in 1980s’ and world was also aware about it. In the time of 1998 we informed to the world powers that India is planning to testify his nukes once again, but no one put ear on that call. India tested again and after of that  India started threatening to Pakistan. It was a huge pressure on that time. World pressurized us and said “India is a bad boy you don’t be like her, take high moral grounds”. But due to people’s demand we became 7th nuclear power. He said here is an important thing to observe "after the tests American President called our Prime Minister and said “Had I been at your place PM, I would have done the same thing which you did”. This shows if the leader goes to the people’s desire they don’t have to answer at any where but with dignity and respect. He said the problem with Pakistan is Leadership miscarriage. Power gets sucked in when there is empty place. Army’s take over is not appreciable but Politicians are the responsible for it. If Politicians are not having ability to think, to take decisions then some one have to fill that gap.
He Ended his talk on a sentence of the Book “Pakistan the lost friend” (1968) by Dee Middleton. In which writer said; while narrating America’s near sighted policy: “Pakistan as an old friend, who has forgotten you, and is also the patron of Asian nations of the future. Pakistan is independent, tough and opportunistic. Pakistan’s geographical location and does not other concentrations make her virtually important for the peace in whole Asia, and in the world at large. There is no single patron by which Pakistan can be squeezed. Pakistani is the greater force than the Indians but a lesser people. We Americans are not sure, There is feeling in the Air that some how some where successive American administration have failed to secure a stead fast if not an easy Allie in these people”.
 He said it shows Pakistan was always on the Radar of USA. After more than 60 years now 1st time we are trouble some friends, stanch Allie and a threat too for America.
No Rule of law is responsible for all in Pakistan. These Pakistanis follows law when they are on Motor way but out of that particular piece of land in country there is no Rule of law. He said diffuse impurity and immunity to have the rule of law.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seminar talks (4) (Aitzaz Ahsan's Talk)

Aitzaz Ahsan in UoG.
Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan is one of the most active personality in the free Judiciary movement of Pakistan. 
By starting his talk in the seminar, Aitzaz Ahsan said; due at the end of the World War II, the situation for the Pakistan at its birth was very crucial. World became bipolar & both Big powers were effecting and influencing to the nations.
About India Mr.Aitzaz Ahsan said; India due to Jwahar Lal Nehru’s thoughts had a natural bent towards Socialism/USSR, and Pakistan due to Feudals, Businessmen, Pak Army & British trained Bureaucracy bent towards capitalism/west. He further added though USSR was Totalitarian state but in its concept there was the concept of a welfare state. Indian freedom party "Congress" from very start had democracy within the party too but it lacked in Muslim league (Pakistan's freedom party) due to the Feudals.
He said with the Neighbors you must have good relations, but dictatorship just after a few years put Pakistan into “National Security state” rather than a “Welfare state”. Though the vision of M.A.Jinnah(Founder of Pakistan) was also to make Pakistan a “Welfare state”. By defining welfare state he said; for a welfare state the citizen is the top priority but for a security state, the state is at priority.
He said the wars in 1965 & 1971 with India fed more to the ideology of the “National Security state”. He said Democracy itself a reason for welfare of the state but if you will deny the Democracy then you have to introduce an ideology. This ideology was created by the both wars.
He declared the year of 1979 very bad for the Pakistan, 1st the  Hanging of Z.A.Bhutto and 2nd Invasion of USSR in Afghanistan. Which more solidify to the ideology of “National security state”. He said the Intellectuals which were talking about the Welfare of the state and on the hanging of elected PM, were just ignored on the invasion of USSR in the Afghanistan.
He appreciated to the Pak Army on reclaiming Swat valley as the war on terrorism is our own war now not only of America. Though in start it was not.
 He said After the May 28, 1998 it was assumed that no one (Pakistan and India) will go for war but we saw just a few months later we jumped into the Kargil war. But the war which is against the internal non state actors is the actual war. He said we teach to our children Hindu is an enemy not a different believer. In 6 Billion world population we Muslims are in minority but take to all others as the poor people.
He said Pakistan’s fate is in this region; we can’t cut and settle it in America/ Europe. We should increase people-people contact. Europe did many wars and two world wars too, killed more than 20 Millions peoples but now at last intellectually doing talk on the table, and getting benefits of open trade. He said we beg to EU and USA for cotta in trade but not opening trade to neighbor India which is more big and favorable market than both of them. India may do worry because have many times bigger market than us but why we are hesitating? India & China also have big clash of 3000KM but are good big trading partners. We have just systematic problem and of thoughts. 
He said Don’t be India phobic, the only thing with fear is fear itself. So come out of this fear and do open trade.
He said the system where is no Immunity no Impurity is the only solution for the Pakistan. Leave the politics of fear & think to live with all religions in universal nationality. At the end by addressing to the youth of Pakistan he said if we the elders are unable to do so, “You” the Youth of Pakistan will have to do it.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Seminar talks (3) (Prof. Saeed Shafqat's talk)

Prof. Saeed Shafqat in UoG.
Professor Saeed shafqat the founder of Pak studies department in Quaid-e-Azam University and the Chief Instructor of Civil Services Academy started his talk by saying all the problems with the Pakistan are internal not external. If internally you are unable to establish peace you can’t have it outside.
He said we can divide the talk in three contents 1st “Local” in which we need to see internal matters. 2nd “Regional powers” in which he added "we must keep in mind to Centcom’s map of Asia in which they excluded two countries India and Israel". So we can analyze and understand why the Pakistan’s location is very important. 3rd “Regional” "Who will influence Persian Gulf will control Arabian Sea and who will control Arabian Sea will dominate Indian Ocean". By this we can observe that Why Pakistan is an Unavoidable and essential for the allied forces.
He said “Reality is relative in Social sciences nothing is fix”. He divided Pak-US relations in 5 types.
1: Dependence; (Marxist) in this school of thought we have the  people which says we are dependent on US on each and every matter.
2: Ideological; in this school of thought we have majority. Which says we have faith differences with US. They also generates conspiracy theories. This school of thought takes India, USA, and Israel as the only enemy of Pakistan, and presents them like a devil Trica which is anti Pakistan especially against the Nuclear Pakistan. The only nukes holder Islamic Country. He said this school of thought is dominant here.
3: Roller Coaster type relations. This school of thought says the relations between Pakistan and America are like Roller coaster. Which have ups and downs but as America is super power so in the time of American interests the coaster gets high position therefore down.
4: Plait and client relation.         
5: Influential relationship. Both Influence each other on the interests basis at the different times.
By raising a question Professor Saeed shafqat said, who is the main actor in making Pakistan’s foreign Policy? Is it foreign office? Is it Media? Is it Parliament? Is it civil society? Then he answered "No it is he who thinks the security & projection of the state is his right. So he designs the foreign policy so all the left get angry over it".
He said a positive aspect is coming up in the Pakistani society. It is power sharing, either between provinces, between institutes or between personalities. 
He said what ever the condition of democracy we should follow it due to its beauty of consensus.
While closing the talk he said USA is not going from Afghanistan not now not even after 2014. The pipe line TAPI (Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India pipe line) matter is going to be focus at end of this war. He said this is the gift which USA is looking for but it belongs to security. You can’t have peace in region if Pakistan is insecure & Pakistan’s security belongs to security of citizen not of the state.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Seminar talks (2) (Mushahid Hussain Syed's talk)

Mr.Mushahid one of good intellectual in Foreign relations and politician. 

Mushahid Hussain Syed in UoG.

Mr.Mushahid started his talk by three points. 1st The domestic & historical context, 2nd Geo political and 3rd what should be doing with the foreign policy?

He said China is getting influence in the region not India. 
He said US is responsible for the distrust between Pak-US. It is due to the US weaponry aid to the India in start of 1960s’ 2nd due the attitude of USA after 1989 (after Afghan Jihad). US is asking for the same position after 9/11 which was hold by Pakistan in Afghan Jihad but Pakistan is not accepting that role. New York Times wrote in a report “Pakistan is the state which has little Influence, little access & little credibility”.
He said Pakistan’s internal changes influencing to the Foreign Policy. Power of public opinion is getting meaning a lot. Power structure is changing and it is a good sign. Islamabad’s throne via Washington is old thing now. He further added it is not only with Pakistan but with the whole region.
He said “Obama’s war” exposed to the internal weaknesses of the USA. Establishment is in the favor of war but Politicians are to dialogue. Economy is getting down and war is not ending. He said now Obama is focusing on 2012 when he has to go back for the elections. Obama has 1 choice either stop the War or re-establish the economy. Both can’t run at the same time. A three trillion war has to stop.
He said there are 3Ds’ for Pakistan Dollars, DRONES, and Dialogue. Pakistan should reconsider her foreign policy. He analyzed to American and China’s aid for the Pakistan. American total aid to the Pakistan in next five years is equal to the 3 weeks expenditures of US on Iraq and Afghan war. But China is giving 35 Billion$ in private as well as in Public sector. In 2009 53 Drone attacks killed 400; means weekly 1 attack and more than 1 casualty daily. In 2010, 104 attacks in which 611 died, means 2 DRONE in a week causing 2 casualties every day. But still insurgency is spreading. In Afghanistan US forces are facing 66% more attacks than the before. In Dialogue Pakistan have done three sessions with the Americans. 1st in February 2010 in which  46 pages document was  given by Pakistan, 2nd July 2010 in which 98 pages document was handed over to US then 3rd in October 2010 in which Pakistan presented 14 pages document.
Mr.Mushahid Hussain said now a good thing is that both civil and military establishment is standing at the same position. He said we should talk directly to the US to stop double standards. America is dictating to Pakistan for attacks on Taliban but for consensus to Karzai. He said during a talk with Holbrook I asked him; “what would be your response if Cuban consulates will be opened in the Mexico?” on his question “what Indian consulates can do on afghan borders??”  He said I told to Holbrook all should be on the same page.
He said there are three wars in the region. 1st is of US against Taliban, 2nd Pak with internal extremists funded by externals and 3rd Pak-Ind proxy war.
Mushahid Hussain said; Pakistan is the need of Obama. We have cards but not players to play them. While talking about India’s influence in the region he said Obama’s visit to India was actually in the favor of USA, Obama did not said any sentence as the Bush was used to. French and German heads of states visited India and turned back, but China even on stop did not stopped. Even During the address with the joint session of Parliament Chinese PM backed to Pakistan’s stands.
He said this century is the centaury of Asia. South Asia is not just a sub-continent, it is greater due to in between position, and Chain is de facto part of south Asia. TAPI (Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India pipe line) and IPI (Iran, Pakistan and India) will joint the region as predictors are saying. While laughing in the talk he gave it the name of Pipeistan. 
He said don’t repeat the mistakes, if you want to do mistakes please do new one. He said a new cold war has been started that is of energy. We are at important role in it as had in the past.
He said national security with artillery is old definition now, now it includes civilian component equally important. At the end of talk He praised to the Pakistani nation as a spark, current & spirit having nation. He said during a meeting USA asked how can finish trust deficit? The answer was during Swat operation due to a big displacement of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s), you shouted Pakistan will collapse in this summer, but you have seen 2.5 million backed in time and efficiently. This was big number than Palestine even. You don’t have confidence over Pakistan but this nation has spirit. 

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Seminar talks (1) (Nasir Ali Khan's talk)

Hafiz Hayat Campus UoG.
In the following few Blogs will be sharing of talks by the foreign and economical experts in a seminar held in The University of Gujrat Pakistan.
Mr. Nasir Ali Khan The director Institute of management sciences, Peshawar & Director for Development in social Sciences Higher Education Commission Pakistan. 
He started his talk in he seminar by a wise saying “An empty stomach has no religion”. He said when we talk about Democracy in Pakistan here it means; “holding Elections”. But If by those elections we don’t have established institutions, an independent Judiciary & free Market economy then it means the Democracy is not functioning. 
 He said we may have granted the political citizenship but till date our 80% population is lacking economic citizenship. He coded 9% of our Farmer owns 43% of cultivated area. 91% small farmers own less than 25 Acers of land. Out of that 91%, 76% are those who own less than 12 Acers of land. He said if you look around you will found absolute poverty may get down but relative poverty increased.
 He said the geography of Pakistan especially of Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa is very important. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is unable to give its out put as European Union (EU) and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has given by intraregional trade. He further added Why don’t we learn from India and China, How they are developing their economy. Though have political differences but they are doing talk on those out of trade and economic development.
Nasir Khan while talking  in UOG.
He said though now world use to say If America sneeze rest of the world catches cold but in future the player will be different The China will sneeze and the rest of world will catch the cold. He said Democracy mean established institutions, independent judiciary and Free Market economy.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Revolution/New game?

Since the suicide attempt by a Tunisian Graduate, Arab world is in change. Even the change reached to the Russia. But the speed and spreading is saying some thing else. especially in the matter of Egypt it is getting transparent. Next candidate Albaradi who had been the head of IAEA is going next puppet of Big Powers, to save their interests. 
The Change is not internal, it is again external, as had been before in 1980s'. Though the powers are saying we will support to the people but actually playing at the back of puppets now too, but changing the faces. 
Due to many factors like unemployment, corruption, external intervention, Israel's role and USA's support etc. the youth of the region was in the condition to abrupt any time like volcano. That was not going to be in the favor of the big powers. Because they have interests in the region. They want to stay here.So to stop that revolution, this externally but internal revolution is designed. 
But there is another thing, this time it is not gonna as simple as it had been. If The people will not understand now and will accept the externally designed change. After a short interval will understand and will stand again. Then that will be actual and genuine revolution. Which will kick to all the puppets. That will not only reach to the Russian but to whole world. 
Wish it soon....

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